If you cross drinking limits,then dont drive

Published : Times of India One for the road No way.I took only beer,how can I be drunk is the most frequently heard argument by traffic police in Bangalore.If everyone is to be believed,consumption of beer in the city would have increased tenfold.Also,most feel it is OK to drink beer irrespective of the quantity and drive ...

Its traffic enforcement or harassment

Published : Times of India Altercations between the public and traffic policemen are not unheard of.But to say that every traffic cop is standing at the junction just to abuse people is stretching it a bit too far.Without denying or justifying the existence of such malaise,it is worth examining the genesis of the problem as to ...

Ambulances need space and courtesy

Published : Times of India Concern for ambulances stuck in a traffic jam is a noble thought.Suggestions ranging from separate lanes for ambulances to technology-driven solutions that would turn every signal green as the vehicle approaches a junction,keep pouring in. Good intentions indeed.Except that the situation and road users behaviour leave much to be desired. If merely ...

Hike parking charges to solve traffic woes: Praveen Sood

Published : DNA Beginning today, DNA will interact every week with experts on traffic, crime, and law and order issues to defog citizens’ concerns. This week we focus on parking menace and how it’s shrinking carriageways. Additional commissioner of police (traffic) Praveen Sood tells DNA that parking is at the root of city’s traffic ills. What ...

One-way? Two-way? Absolutely No way!

One-way? Two-way? Absolutely No way!
Published : Times of India Author: Praveen Sood 1,812 total views, no views today

Junction improvement speeds up traffic

Published : Times of India The citys traffic police are improving junctions to make the traffic flow easier and faster.B S Manu Rao reports An important component of BTRAC – an initiative of the traffic police to improve the traffic conditions in the city – is junction improvement.Not much is spoken of this aspect of ...

Let us make a difference and feel the difference too

Let us make a difference and feel the difference too
Published : Times of India   2,053 total views, no views today

Every Bangalorean has a suggestion about traffic

Published : Times of India Nothing can be more therapeutic for Bangaloreans than talking about traffic. The best part is that every Bangalorean has a suggestion about traffic. The worst part is that everyone’s solution is from his point of convenience. Also most suggestions are aimed at other roadusers to the exclusion of oneself. In a ...

The year that was and lessons from it for road-users

Published : Times of India As we enter 2010,we have two statistics : one of pride and the other of shame.That deaths on our roads declined by 15% for the second successive year is a matter to be proud of.Fatalities on roads declined from 981 to 762 in the past two years.One can attribute this collectively ...