Quick punishment, not guns, can ensure safety 4

   Achurch is attacked and the most obvious response is to deploy policemen at all churches. Some miscreants desecrate a temple idol and there is demand for giving police protection to all temples. Vandals target hospitals, ATMs, hotels and the knee-jerk reaction is to ask for deployment of police there too. There is a rape in ...

Quick probe, conviction can deter sexual crimes

Another rape and another round of national uproar! This time in Mumbai. In a country where a woman is raped every 20 minutes, such outrage is a welcome sign. Public anger makes all women feel vulnerable and all men ashamed. But we must accept the enemy lies somewhere “among us” and not “out there” — ...

Police need empathy and support, not condemnation 3

Policemen get lynched by crowds while handling disturbances, killed by Naxals, run over by motorists while jumping signals or beaten up by people when flagged down for drunken driving or overspeeding. Rarely does civil society raise its voice when policemen are beaten up or killedby our own citizens.Asociety where policemen beat up its citizens cannot ...

Hardly anybody uses Sakala to get info from Police

In this mega city of Bangalore where almost all of us have access to internet or mobile phone, the system to track the applications and follow up with Police isn’t reaching all. Why? By Bosky Khanna , 31 Jul 2013 , Citizen Matters Bangalore houses roughly around one crore citizens. As the city grows, crime ...

Karnataka has linked public service guarantee with CCTNS – Praveen Sood 1

Published : Egov Reach An alumnus of IIT Delhi, Praveen Sood is an Indian Police Service officer (1986 batch) of Karnataka cadre. He is a staunch supporter of the use of technology in traffic management and delivery of services to the citizens. During his stint as the additional commissioner of police, traffic (2008-2011), he established ...

Alcometer test is never humiliating 3

Amidnight SMS from a well-known woman, who works for a prestigious airline, left me totally confused. She wrote, “I was driving at midnight when traffic cops flagged me down and insisted on a breath-analyzer test. All this despite knowing pretty well that a lady was behind the wheel. When I protested, they requested me to ...

Bollywood and Traffic Police 1

Generally in Bollywood, tunes are composed first and lyrics written later to fit the tunes. In a way it is like digging a grave first and then looking for dead body to fit the size of grave. Managing traffic after opening of a newly constructed flyover or underpass in Bangalore has glaring similarities. Whereas the ...

Policemen deserve healthy work-life balance too 5

Published : Times of India The recent shooting of a sub-inspector by his subordinate once again points towards the deep malaise that’s afflicting the police system in this country.Whatever police reforms have happened,have centered around senior levels of the police force.The middle levels have remained largely untouched.A series of suggestions about adverse living and working conditions ...

Punishment can be catalyst for change 1

Published : Times of India The past week has seen an upsurge of anger over one of the most ghastly rape cases in the recent past in this country.News channels competed with each other in police bashing and offering quick-fix solutions ranging from death sentence to chemical castration.Whereas anger is fully justified and essential to ...